




Transaction results

Delivery Record

  • Semiconductor Industry (Semiconductor Equipment)

    Our 304 stainless steel hexagonal hose nipples and conversion nipples from imperial to metric screws are used in semiconductor manufacturing equipment. We provide high quality degreased and clean products with a short delivery lead time. We have great deal of experience supplying semiconductor manufacturers.

  • Food Industry (Chocolate Factory)

    We are the best supplier of ultrasonically degreased and clean products. We custom-make products for the food industry such as chocolate production. Our products are thoroughly cleaned using a specialized machine that removes any remaining buffing powder from the manufacturing process. We are a trusted manufacturer of products that are safe and reliable for the food industry.

  • Pharmaceutical Equipment Industry (Dialysis Equipment)

    Supplying high-quality, pure water is essential for pharmaceutical equipment. Our 316 stainless steel round hose nipples are processed with post manufacturing cleaning procedures to ensure that pure water remains uncontaminated.

  • Printing Industry (Commercial Printing Machines)

    One major printing company has recently adopted our new 304 hexagonal hose elbow. This product is more compact and user-friendly compared to the traditional 304 hex hose nipple, meeting an increased demand for small machines.

  • Railway Industry (Tokaido Shinkansen Snow Melting Device)

    We have produced a snow melting device for the Tohoku Shinkansen. Previously, snow was removed manually; however, by using a hot water injection system, we significantly reduced the required time to melt and remove snow. We also focus on custom-made solutions to meet your specific needs.

  • Tourism Industry (Valve Windows at a Theme Park)

    Our custom-made products have been adopted for use for an attraction at a major theme park. We succeeded in fulfilling an urgent request for high-quality parts in a timely manner. We can produce custom made products in small lots and provide detailed drawings. This along with our fast and concise deliveries, has led us to have a repeat customer rate that exceeds 80%.

Products handled

Our Advantage

  • 創業35年の実績と提案力


  • 製作困難なオーダー品にも対応


  • 手書き図面でも図面作成可能


  • 品質・仕上がりにこだわったものづくり


Flow of Request

Even if you do not have drawings, we can handle the entire process from drawing production to proposal. Please feel free to contact us.

What's New

Catalog Download

This is a general catalog for Izutsu Seisakusho. We can also accommodate products not listed here, so please feel free to contact us.

  • Click here for general product catalog

  • Click here for equipment catalog

  • Click here for company brochure

Inquiries about
our products and services

Please feel free to contact us
if you have any questions or concerns about our products or order fulfillment.